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Welcome to

A Natural Gift

Providing safe space, ascension and wisdom for magical beings.

Providing spiritual guidance, mysticism,

oracle readings, mediumship

& more...


About Intuitive G

I identify as many things; intuitive, oracle, healer even psychic. I am not asking you to understand my gifts or have a faith any other than your own. I am only asking you to understand that I truly believe that I was put in this world with purpose. A purpose that, I believe, is to help with all my wisdom and knowledge gained. To provide you with your own truth.
All of my life I've known there was something very unique about myself. I've always felt a connection to the supernatural and natural elements and energies. Through years of waiting, learning, understanding and receiving my spiritual awakening I came to hear my calling.
It simply started with the purchase of a Tarot deck...

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